Man, life has been crazy lately! Poor Suanne is on a huge project at work and she has been working from sun-up to sun-down and then some! And I ... well, I'm nowhere near as busy as Suanne. Either way, neither of us have had much time to post anything, so on behalf on the Chic-Peas, I apologize. I know that all of you have just been waiting with bated breath for our next riveting installment, so here goes:
Tonight, I wanted something hearty, healthy, and ... what's an 'h' word for quick? I had a ton of produce in my fridge, so I decided to use at least some of it tonight. I served the finished product over a mildly sweet, sticky, coconut rice (which will most likely make its way into another post in the future) and garnished it with avocado.
**Disclaimer: I realize that this recipe bears no resemblance to duck a l'orange. The name is simply a nod to the mishmash of ingredients, but I am open to better suggestions. Feel free to leave them in the comments below!***
(Ground) Turkey a l'Orange ... ¡En Fuego!
1 small onion, chopped
2 cups baby spinach, chopped
1/2 cup peanuts (optional, but I like the texture they provide.)
1 lb. ground turkey (you can also use ground beef)
1 tsp. kosher salt
1 to 2 tbs. of Sriracha hot sauce, depending on how spicy you like it (or how spicy you can handle!)
Approximately 1 cup orange juice (Approximately. Eyeball it! ... Also, I used OJ with a lot of pulp, in case you were wondering.)
1. In a large skillet, saute the onion and peanuts in a bit of oil until the onion is translucent. (If your peanuts turn translucent, you have a problem.)
2. Add spinach and let it cook down.
3. Add ground turkey and season with salt. Break up the turkey as it cooks.
4. When the turkey is almost finished cooking, add the Sriracha and stir well.
5. Add orange juice and simmer until it reduces by about half.
Makes about four servings.
You know, this would probably freeze well. I will get back to you about that ...